Extremely Low Income (30% of AMI):
Fee: 5% of Median Income (120% of AMI) - $4,905
Fee: 1% - $49.05 household size 1-3·
Fee: 0.5% - $24.52 household size 4+
Very Low Income
(50% of AMI):
Fee: 10% of Median Income (120% of AMI) - $9,810
Fee: 1% - $98.10 household size 1-3
Fee: 0.5% - $49.05 household size 4+
Low Income
(80% of AMI):
Fee: 15% of Median Income (120% of AMI) - $14,715
Fee: 1% - $147.15 household size 1-3
Fee: 0.5% - $73.57 household size 4+
Median Income
(100% of AMI):
Fee: 20% of Median Income (120% of AMI) - $19,620
Fee: 1% - $196.20 household size 1-3
Fee: 0.5% - $98.10 household size 4+
Above Median Income (Above 100% of AMI):
Fee: Full course fee - $X (determined by you)
Fee: $225.15 household size 1-3
Fee: $205.15 household size 4+
If person does not want to enter their income and household size:
Fee: $244.40
Extremely Low Income (30% of AMI):
Fee: 5% of Median Income (120% of AMI) - $4,905
Fee: 1% - $49.05 household size 1-3·
Fee: 0.5% - $24.52 household size 4+
Very Low Income
(50% of AMI):
Fee: 10% of Median Income (120% of AMI) - $9,810
Fee: 1% - $98.10 household size 1-3
Fee: 0.5% - $49.05 household size 4+
Low Income
(80% of AMI):
Fee: 15% of Median Income (120% of AMI) - $14,715
Fee: 1% - $147.15 household size 1-3
Fee: 0.5% - $73.57 household size 4+
Median Income
(100% of AMI):
Fee: 20% of Median Income (120% of AMI) - $19,620
Fee: 1% - $196.20 household size 1-3
Fee: 0.5% - $98.10 household size 4+
Above Median Income (Above 100% of AMI):
Fee: Full course fee - $X (determined by you)
Fee: $225.15 household size 1-3
Fee: $205.15 household size 4+
If person does not want to enter their income and household size:
Fee: $144.40
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